Culture War Government Politics

Sportswear Company Banned for Defending Women’s Sports

XX-XY Athletics, a sportswear company founded by former Levi Strauss & Co President Jennifer Sey, and supported by former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines, has been permanently banned from TikTok. The ban comes in response to a video advertisement promoting and defending women’s sports. This decision has sparked outrage among conservatives who see it as yet another instance of censorship targeting those who stand up for traditional values and women’s rights.

Jennifer Sey took to X to share the news and the advertisement itself, highlighting the irony of being banned for advocating women’s sports. Sey’s message was clear: “When you run an ad standing up for women and girls’ sports, you get banned for life from @tiktok_us. Here’s the ad. Offensive, right?” This incident underscores the growing concern among conservatives about the suppression of viewpoints that challenge the prevailing progressive narrative.

The advertisement begins with a powerful call to action, urging viewers to stand up for women’s equality and the integrity of women’s sports. “If you think girls’ and women’s equality matter, stand up,” it states. The ad emphasizes the importance of providing girls and women with the same opportunities as their male counterparts, and it boldly addresses the unfairness and safety concerns of allowing males to compete in female sports. This message resonates strongly with conservatives who believe in protecting women’s rights and maintaining fair competition.

The ad continues with a defiant tone, encouraging women not to be intimidated by accusations of bigotry. “Don’t be cowed by people who call you a bigot. You’re not a bigot,” it declares. The message challenges the notion that standing up for women’s rights is equivalent to being intolerant, and it calls for honesty and bravery in the fight for women’s equality. This resonates with many conservatives who feel that their voices are being silenced in the name of political correctness.

In response to the ban, Sey shared a letter from TikTok stating that the account would remain accessible, but no ads would go live. The letter cited potential violations of TikTok’s advertising policies due to “offensive content.” Sey encouraged her followers to “Speak up. Stand up. Vote with your dollars. Don’t buy brands that don’t know what a woman is. Truth is counting on you.” This call to action reflects a broader conservative sentiment that consumers should support companies that align with their values.

The incident has also drawn support from other prominent figures, such as Paula Scanlan, who added, “We’ve normalized discrimination against women and girls. What used to be called misogyny is now labeled as ‘progress,’ ‘inclusion,’ and ‘tolerance.’ Why do young girls have to suffer for the delusions of entitled men?” This perspective highlights the conservative belief that true equality and progress cannot be achieved by compromising the rights and safety of women and girls.

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