
Budget Battle Blueprint: How Fiscal Conservatives Can Emerge Victorious!

As the perennial spectacle of congressional negotiations to avert a government shutdown unfolds, there’s a call for House Republicans to display true leadership and advocate for a smaller, less intrusive federal government. The conservative perspective argues that government shutdowns, typically viewed ominously, should instead be embraced as opportunities for a more restrained government, doing less economic and social damage. The suggestion challenges congressional Republicans to exhibit the nerve they often lack, acknowledging that the status quo is not sustainable.

The potential scenarios to avoid a government shutdown include reaching an agreement on all necessary appropriations bills (unlikely in the divisive Congress), experiencing a long shutdown (politically damaging and improbable), resorting to a last-minute omnibus bill (horrendous and unlikely), or opting for a continuing resolution (a plausible option given the limitations of other choices). The conservative Freedom Caucus, advocating for a return to regular order, has shifted its stance to support a continuing resolution, proposing a one percent across-the-board spending cut on April 30.

However, this proposal is likely to face resistance from Democrats, given their opposition to budget cuts and the potential reinstatement of a corrupt budget-deal system fostering massive deficits. The conservative perspective urges Republicans to display strategic intelligence and courage by proposing a bill to restore federal government spending to its 2019, pre-pandemic level of approximately $4.8 trillion. The idea is to offer a budget of $4.8 trillion for the next fiscal year, cutting $1.6 trillion from various areas while allocating more for border control.

The strategic approach encourages Republicans to consistently emphasize the success of the 2019 budget, highlighting economic growth, reduced income inequality, and better border protection. Instead of engaging in detailed debates about specific claims or individual victims of budget cuts, Republicans are urged to maintain focus on the positive outcomes of the 2019 budget. The narrative should emphasize Democrats’ resistance to a one percent reduction in federal spending growth under President Joe Biden, contrasting it with public sentiment that disapproves of the rapid increase in federal spending.

Ultimately, the conservative perspective advocates for a change in strategy, urging Republicans to adopt a more assertive approach similar to that of Democrats—asking for what they truly want and accepting only the best they can get. The recommendation is to stand firm until the last moment, using the leverage of an imminent government shutdown to push for the desired outcome, while consistently highlighting the benefits of a less disastrous federal budget. The question posed is whether Republicans genuinely desire a more restrained federal budget, challenging them to redefine their approach to budget negotiations.

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