Conservative Parenting Culture Education Politics

Will the Public Schools Heed This Wake-Up Call?

At a rally last week, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) criticized a school district for directing teachers to transition “transgender” students without their parents knowledge.

To recap, Townhall reported last month how it was revealed that teachers in Fairfax County, Virginia were required to a complete training program ahead of the 2022-2023 school year that says parental consent is not required for transgender students who want to “socially” transition. “Social transitioning” includes going by a preferred name and preferred pronouns that align with someone’s “gender identity.”

“They [school officials] think that parents have no right to know what your child is discussing with their teacher or their counselor, particularly when some of the most important topics, most important topics that a child may want to discuss are being determined,” Youngkin said at the rally, according to Fox News Digital.

“What’s their name? What pronoun will they use? How are they going to express their gender? This is a decision that bureaucrats in Fairfax County believe that they should be able to make without telling parents,” he added. Read more…

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