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Wake-Up Call: The Daily Wire Now Supports Gay Surrogacy

The Daily Wire, started by famed social conservative Ben Shapiro, is supposed to be at the frontlines of our culture wars. Shapiro and others, we were assured, wouldn’t retreat on tough issues even when the culture did.

So why, then, is that same platform promoting a grave distortion of the family? I’m talking about when Dr. Jordan Peterson, one of DW’s newest contributors, hosted an episode in which he and the publication lent credence to commentator Dave Rubin’s pursuit of same-sex surrogacy.

“Gay Parenting: Promises and Pitfalls,” read the YouTube headline from DW. A now-deleted tweet touted Peterson and Rubin discussing “the evolution of his lifestyle… and the uncharted territory of gay fatherhood.”

While Peterson was somewhat measured in his comments, the overall thrust of the episode and their exchange was that same-sex surrogacy is a morally valid choice. Reinforcing this point, Peterson held up conservatives who favored same-sex “marriage” as more “enlightened.” Read more…

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