Education Politics

The Wokies Come for Children’s Literature

Everybody knows the classic children’s author Roald Dahl, or at least they know his work. He wrote classics like Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, BFG, James and the Giant Peach and more.

Well, now, the woke are re-writing his books to make them more politically correct.

Here are some of the changes made, according to The Telegraph.

In Matilda, the term “mothers and fathers” is replaced with “parents.” The phrase “turning white” is replaced with “turning pale.” A description of a “plain plump person” is edited to omit the word “plump.” The meaning of a passage describing an unattentive student as having “no hearing-organs” is removed and changed entirely. (Ableism! Or something.) And much, much more. Read more…

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