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O’Keefe Exposes Disney VP in Undercover Sting!

Michael Giordano, a senior vice president at the Walt Disney Company, faced an unexpected confrontation from James O’Keefe after being caught on an undercover video by the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) claiming the corporation discriminates against white men. In a newly posted clip on social media, O’Keefe ambushed Giordano in a Los Angeles restaurant, directly questioning him about his employment at Disney.

Startled by the encounter, Giordano quickly left the restaurant, got into his white Tesla, and drove down Sunset Boulevard, with O’Keefe chasing him on foot while cameras rolled. “The Walt Disney Senior Vice President Michael Giordano is confronted by James O’Keefe and @OKeefeMedia after uncovering @Disney‘s discriminatory hiring practices…Caught off guard, Giordano fled to his car with O’Keefe tailing him,” O’Keefe posted on X.

The incident did not go unnoticed. Hollywood influencers @xhuddy, Chiara Hovland, and Nick Higham witnessed the scene and praised OMG for their efforts, pledging to follow O’Keefe Media Group. This public support highlights a growing dissatisfaction with Disney’s alleged discriminatory practices.

In previously released undercover footage, Giordano revealed that colleagues in the human resources department informed him that the corporation discriminates against white men in hiring. “I have friends in HR and I have friends in other divisions. And they’re like, ‘Look, nobody else is going to tell you this, Mike, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,’” Giordano told an undercover journalist with OMG. He also mentioned that being a white male limited his career advancement at Disney, stating, “As far as Disney is concerned, I am a white male and that’s not who they’re looking to promote at the moment.”

Giordano further alleged that Disney passed over a biracial person for a promotion because he didn’t appear African American enough. “We wanted to hire somebody in the department…who was half black but didn’t like, appear half black and there was a creative executive who was like, ‘We’re not, like, that’s not, that’s not what’s wanted,’” he claimed. Giordano explained that Disney preferred someone who visually met certain diversity expectations for meetings.

In the video, Giordano also suggested that Disney uses euphemistic language to avoid legal repercussions. The company allegedly employs “code words and buzzwords” to describe their hiring preferences in a way that isn’t legally actionable. Despite these practices, Giordano expressed his belief that Disney’s policies would likely lead to a lawsuit in the future.

This undercover report emerges as Disney increasingly embraces far-left policies on gender and race, embedding these ideologies into their movies and television shows. The revelations by O’Keefe Media Group have sparked a conversation about the corporation’s hiring practices and the broader implications of such discriminatory policies.

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