Economy Politics

Here’s a Poll on Companies Getting Involved in Social and Political Issues

The Wall Street Journal is out with a new national survey, and one of the headline results is good news for the many millions of Americans who are sick of companies stomping into political and cultural fights — almost always at the behest of activist progressives. In recent years, left-wingers have used the bombardment of corporate actors as a central piece of their pressure campaign, demanding that large companies (whom they otherwise generally despise) take sides (their side, that is) in high-profile, politically-charged battles. Time and again, we’ve seen these corporations and large organizations capitulate, on matters ranging from LGBT issues, to “voting rights,” to social and racial “justice,” to abortion, and beyond.

Some of the most well-known examples include Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines, Coca Cola and others wading into the debate over Georgia’s commonsense election reforms, which opponents disgustingly and dishonestly framed as modern-day ‘Jim Crow’-style suppression. Read more…

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