Simply News

Psaki Wants “Strike Forces” to Vaxx Kids

As we reported yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that they were going to be going “door to door” in an “outreach” to “get remaining Americans vaccinated.”

Joe Biden then later repeated the same thing, showing it wasn’t a mistake or a random comment by Psaki.

But there was more.

She was asked if there was a target for herd immunity and if so, what that number would be. “What is that goal number?” the reporter asked. A pretty good question actually. Psaki’s response was horrible…

“Our work doesn’t stop there,” Psaki said. “We are going to continue to press to get 12-18-year-olds vaccinated, to continue to work with communities that have lower vaccination rates. That’s one of the reasons why we initiated these um- these strike forces to go into communities and determine what they need.” Read more…

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