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Michigan State Hikes Prices… For Whites Only

It looks like we’ll be doing reparations in the meantime through mask sales!

A newly published article by the The Morning Watch, a small conservative newsletter at Michigan State University, has gone viral after they captured a pure and stunning example of anti-White racism that happens too often on campuses across the nation. The article documents a stand in the middle of Brody Hall Cafeteria, with a stock of masks and gloves to be given out. In front of the stand is a sign that reads: ‘Free masks and gloves for MINORITIES ONLY!! $10 per item for White People!!’ Behind the desk, an eager and masked up student of color sat, waiting to partake in monetary and direct racism against white students…

MeAnna Durham and her actions are troubling, but not at all surprising. Similar to Arizona State, MSU has a history of anti-white apartheidism and hypocrisy discriminating against white students. Much of the leftist hypocrisy by the college and student groups can be found on The Morning Watch’s site and Twitter. Read more…

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