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Undercover Sting Exposes the Agenda Behind CNN’s Propaganda

A CNN employee tacitly admitted on tape that the network is a propaganda arm of the Black Lives Matter movement, and won’t pursue any stories that undermine its racial grievance narrative.

CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester told an undercover journalist for Project Veritas that he knows black-on-Asian crime rates are high, but doesn’t dwell on it because “the optics” are not good for the Black Lives Matter agitators the network is trying to help.

Chester discussed the network’s unwillingness to cover racial issues fairly in Project Veritas’ third installment of its #ExposeCNN series. In Part Two, the liberal employee proudly declared that CNN practices the “art of manipulation” to “change the world.”

“I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM,’” he said. Read more…

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